Welcome to Advanced Training in Time & Management


This is what is covered in level 1 of my program:


In the initial three months of my training program, I focus on the fundamental principles of mind management VS time management, highlighting the pivotal roles played by the primitive and intelligent brain in shaping our behaviours.

Specifically, we address common time-wasting behaviors such as:

  • People-pleasing
  • Procrastination
  • Perfectionism

While emphasising essential time-creating behaviours such as effective decision-making, assertive communication (saying no), strategic planning, and disciplined execution.

Central to this training is my signature time management program, the RECAPTURE 5 Method, which I have developed to help therapists in private practice reclaim control over their time and improve their productivity. Unlike traditional approaches, I offer personalised coaching and accountability throughout the process, ensuring that participants not only learn but also implement these strategies effectively in their professional and personal lives.

We will delve into several critical components that complement the RECAPTURE Method:

  • Decision Making: Techniques to enhance decision-making processes, enabling quicker and more effective choices that align with personal and professional goals.
  • Failure Management: Strategies to reframe and learn from setbacks, transforming failures into opportunities for growth and resilience.
  • Emotional Processing & Regulation: Recognising emotions as a key component of time management, we will explore methods to manage and regulate emotions effectively. This includes techniques for reducing stress, enhancing focus, and maintaining a productive mindset.

Together, we will navigate the complexities of mind management, harness the power of your intelligent brain, and overcome the limitations imposed by your primitive brain. By mastering these principles and techniques, you will gain the confidence to achieve your goals with clarity, efficiency, and sustainable results.

As your dedicated coach and mentor, I am committed to your success and will guide you step-by-step towards mastering these time and mind management skills.

Ready to get started?


For a once in a lifetime offer I will be offering my signature level 1 program, as a standalone training for 4 months.

You have to be a rehabilitation practitioner in private practice to get exclusive access!

Audiologist, Speech, OT, Physio, Dietitian or Biokineticist

The cost of the level 1 training is R18 000.

Yours for a one-time investment of R9 000 (payable in 2 payments)

I will not repeat this offer.

Sign up for both Level 1 & 2 for a onetime investment of R36 000 (payment can be spread over 12 months at R3 000 per month).

What you get in LEVEL 1


  • 12 theory & tool sessions
  • Held on Tuesdays at either 08:30, 12:00 OR 16:00
  • We start in August 2024
  • Replays available


  • 7 coaching calls 
  • Held on Tuesdays at either 08:30, 12:00 OR 16:00
  • We start in August 2024
  • Replays available


  • Workbooks

  • Small group work

  • Resource list

  • Lifetime access to monthly calls

  • Life time access to alumni opportunities

  • Replays

  • Supportive community


In advanced training LEVEL 2 we will leave no stone unturned…. 

Book a FREE Consult


Overcoming your People Pleasing Nature

People-pleasing is a behaviour rooted in the desire to gain approval, avoid conflict, or seek validation from others. It often involves prioritising others' needs and expectations over one's own, sometimes at the expense of personal well-being and time management. In the realm of time management, people-pleasing can manifest in several ways:

  1. Overcommitment: People-pleasers often struggle to say no to requests or additional tasks, fearing disappointment or rejection. This tendency leads to taking on more than they can realistically handle within their available time, resulting in stress and overwhelm.
  2. Indecision & Delayed Action: The need to please others can lead to indecisiveness or hesitation in making decisions. This indecision can delay actions and productivity, affecting effective time management.
  3. Time Fragmentation: Constantly responding to others' demands or preferences can fragment one's time, making it difficult to focus on priority tasks or personal goals. This fragmentation can hinder productivity and overall effectiveness.

Impact on Time Management:

  • Loss of Focus: Constantly seeking validation or avoiding conflict can distract from important tasks and priorities.
  • Time Drain: Fulfilling others' expectations or redoing tasks to meet perceived standards can consume valuable time and resources.
  • Emotional Toll: People-pleasing often involves managing emotions such as guilt, anxiety, or resentment, which can be draining and further reduce productivity.

Addressing People-Pleasing in Time Management:

To improve time management and personal effectiveness, it's essential to address the root causes of people-pleasing behaviors:

  1. Awareness: Recognise patterns of people-pleasing and their impact on your time and productivity.
  2. Setting Boundaries: Learn to say no or negotiate effectively to protect your time and prioritise tasks based on importance and alignment with personal goals.
  3. Self-Validation: Build confidence in your decisions and actions without relying solely on external validation.
  4. Emotional adulthood
  5. The manuals we have for people
  6. Unconditional love


Understanding Perfectionism and the fear of failure - Getting back to yourself

Perfectionism involves striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high standards, often accompanied by a deep-seated fear of failure—fearing mistakes, judgment, or falling short of expectations. This fear is amplified by the primitive brain's innate drive to seek acceptance within a group and avoid rejection.

These psychological factors significantly impact time management and personal effectiveness:

  1. Paralysis & Procrastination: The fear of not meeting perfectionist standards can paralyse individuals, leading to procrastination or avoidance of tasks. The primitive brain's desire for acceptance heightens this fear, as individuals may delay action to prevent potential criticism or rejection. 
  2. Over-Commitment & Overworking: Perfectionists may over-commit to tasks or projects, driven by the need to excel and prove themselves worthy. This overworking is fueled by the primitive brain's instinct to avoid exclusion from the group, pushing individuals to sacrifice personal time and well-being. 
  3. Micromanagement & Time Intensity: Perfectionists often engage in micromanagement, spending excessive time on minor details or revising work repeatedly to meet unattainable standards. This meticulous approach stems from the primitive brain's urge to ensure acceptance through flawless performance. 
  4. Self-Criticism & Low Self-Esteem: Constantly striving for perfection can lead to harsh self-criticism and diminished self-esteem. The primitive brain's fear of rejection exacerbates these negative self-perceptions, creating a cycle of self-doubt and reduced productivity. 

Impact on Time Management:

  • Missed Deadlines & Inefficiency: Fear of failure and perfectionist tendencies may result in missed deadlines or inefficient work processes, as individuals struggle to meet unrealistic standards. The fear of not being good enough contributes to procrastination and indecision, further hindering effective time management.
  • Stress & Burnout: The combination of perfectionism, fear of failure, and lack of self-love can lead to chronic stress and burnout. Individuals may push themselves beyond healthy limits to avoid perceived failure and maintain acceptance within their professional or social circles, neglecting their well-being in the process.

Addressing Perfectionism, Fear of Failure, Primitive Brain Responses, and Cultivating Self-Love in Time Management:

To improve time management and personal effectiveness while addressing these psychological challenges, consider the following strategies:

  1. Self-Awareness & Acceptance
  2. Setting Realistic Goals
  3. Practicing Self-Compassion
  4. Seeking Support & Feedback


Money & Time Management 

Health professionals in private practice often face the challenge of balancing clinical responsibilities with managing their practice's financial health.

Understanding the interplay between time and money is crucial:

  1. Time is Money: In a private practice setting, every hour spent on patient care, administrative tasks, or personal development directly impacts financial outcomes. 
  2. Money Buys You Time: Financial stability provides practitioners with the freedom to allocate time more strategically—whether investing in personal growth, leisure, or enhancing patient care services. This financial freedom hinges on proactive financial management.
  3. Fear of Financial Management: Many health professionals avoid delving into financial details due to fear or discomfort. This avoidance can lead to financial instability, stress, and uncertainty about practice viability.
  4. Effective Financial Management Strategies: I aim to empower health professionals with the skills to:
  • Understand Income: Teach practitioners how to calculate and monitor their earnings accurately, including identifying profitable services or patient demographics.
  • Financial Goal Setting: Guide practitioners in setting income targets aligned with personal and professional goals, facilitating clearer financial planning.
  • Predict Future Income: Implement forecasting tools to estimate future earnings based on current trends and patient flow, enabling proactive decision-making.
  • Implement Reporting Systems: Establish systems for regular financial reporting and analysis, providing practitioners with insights into practice performance and financial health.

By teaching health professionals to embrace financial management as a tool for success rather than a source of anxiety, I empower them to cultivate financial stability, enhance patient care quality, and achieve a balanced professional life.

This approach fosters confidence, resilience, and sustainable growth in their private practice endeavors.

  1. Setting Boundaries
  2. Self-Validation
  3. Emotional adulthood
  4. The manuals we have for people
  5. Unconditional love

Sign up for LEVEL 1 & 2 together for only R36 000 and SAVE R9 000!

Please note that you must have completed level 1 training to be eligible for level 2 training

Suzette van Rooyen

Physiotherapist & owner of Pilates studio

We asked Adri to facilitate sessions at our studio in her field of Work Balance and Purpose. She also spent individual time with us as well as online workshops. The content of her course is exceptional and we all agreed that it was a life-changing period for each of us personally, but also as a company. We work extremely long hours with people and patients that ask for a lot of emotional support from us. The content and special attention that we got from Adri was not only professional but also practical and informative. We enjoyed every session. As a company we grew closer, having a better understanding of each other, but also being better equipped to manage our time and find our true purpose within the work environment.

Veda Yip
Occupational Therapist Assistant Director Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital

“The Bring balance to life program has helped me better understand myself - it gave me insight and awareness of why other people are doing the things they do. Realising that we all have the same traits in different proportions. Often my judgement of others is the fact that I see in them qualities that I don’t like about myself. Understanding that it is ok to forgive myself makes life a lot easier to handle.”