Your time is NOW! Don't waste it...

Bring Balance to Time

For the high-achieving woman who wants to be more productive in her life and business, while working less & earning more!

Your time is precious and I want to help you optimise it! It is time to unlearn outdated time tricks and start creating time.

Time is not scarce. In fact, it is abundant, because each day you get 24 new hours. 

But, time not optimised is wasted. 

There is a way to manage time so you can create more within the time you do have.

Time does not change, but the way you think about it will change your experience of time. 

"If I had more time, I could get everything done."

It sounds so legit - we are all 'busy' with work and life. But this little sentence will steal your dreams from you if you let it.

I want to share an approach that I use to create an amazing business that thrives financially, plus I have time for the gym, playtime with my kids and spare time just or me!

This tool is an approach to time management that can transform not only how much you get done, but also your commitment to yourself.


There are things we do that cost time. There are things we do that make time. This might be confusing because we think of time as a fixed thing and not as a mental construct, but that is a BIG mistake. Time is a mental construct. This is why one hour 'feels' different from another depending on what we are thinking and therefore experiencing.

An hour in traffic 'feels' different from an hour watching a great movie. BUT the hour is exactly the same. Time slows down or speeds up based on how we think about it. 

Here are the main ways we cost ourselves time: 

  • Worrying
  • Buffering (overeating, Netflixing, social media'ing)
  • People pleasing
  • Indecision
  • Confusion
  • Judging ourselves & others
  • Regretting
  • Being overwhelmed

Take responsibility for how you spend that time and how you show up for yourself. 

This is why I am hosting a FULL DAY Workshop on how to Bring Balance to Time
  • Dates: 30 Oct 2023
  • Time: 08:00-17:00 
  • Platform: Zoom 
  • Recording: Available for 30 days for self learning
  • Cost: R550
  • CPD: 5 (Applied for)
  • BONUS! Buy one get one free!

    Once you have booked your ticket, we will send you an email inviting you to share your plus one's details, so we can enroll them too.

It won't help to learn a new


If you don't first learn how to change your thoughts & manage your emotions.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know what you should be doing, you're just not doing it consistently.
  • When the kids are off to bed, your laptop switches on AGAIN. 
  • Your laptop goes with you on holiday.
  • You yell at your kids & feel bad every time, but you cannot stop.
  • You juggle between mom guilt and work guilt.
  • The growth of your business solely depends on you being there and getting it all done. 
  • You know you need to commit less, but you're afraid of letting go.
  • You're missing a process for optimising your time that fuels higher productivity.
  • At the end of the week, you feel exhausted, deflated and depleted. 

Let me teach you "The Model" + Monday Hour One

"The model" is a strategy that will teach you exactly how to manage your brain, helping you overcome the procrastination, buffering and thinking you need more time.

Your brain is the most powerful thing you have in the world.

Everything you do, and the results you create in your life, career and the quality of your relationships with your family and with yourself, are all caused by the thoughts within your brain.

When you learn to manage your mind, you’ll be blown away by the results you can create in your life.

Monday Hour One brings mind and emotional management together in a process to be intentional with your time, and ultimately, intentional about the results  you want to create in your life. 

So rather than hoping that your day goes a certain way, I want to show you how to accomplish exactly what you want to guarantee your own result. 

All my students claim they're overwhelmed and unable to accomplish everything on their to do lists. 

And then when  teach them Monday Hour One their lives change. Why? Because not only do I teach you how to get your list out of your brain and into a format that you can actually follow, but I teach you how to manage your mind so you'll actually follow through with it. 


Planning creates space if you can trust yourself to follow through 

Without people pleasing, procrastination, confusion, indecision or overwhelm

 If you planned something


added it to your diary


followed through on your plan 


Guaranteed to get done

Just reflect on your life for a moment.

What is getting done and what is not?