Time is not scarce. In fact, it is abundant, because each day you get 24 new hours. 


But, time not optimised is wasted. 

Can I be honest? Wasted time is often as a result of how you think about time or your to do list. BUT CONSIDER THIS: It's your thoughts that are scarce -  not time. 

You might have a long to do list and think,

“I will never get this done” or

“It all depends on me” 

I want to teach you, that it's not the actual items on your to-do list, but rather your thoughts that create the feeling of being overwhelmed and anxious.

You see, our thoughts drive our feelings which drive our actions and then we procrastinate, overthink and hide, and as a result, time is wasted. 

BUT, it all started with the thought "I will never get it all done."

It won't help to learn a new


if you don't first learn how to change your thoughts & manage your emotions.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know what you should be doing, you're just not doing it consistently.
  • When the kids are off to bed, your laptop switches on AGAIN. 
  • Your laptop goes with you on holiday.
  • You yell at your kids & feel bad every time, but you cannot stop.
  • You juggle between mom guilt and work guilt.
  • The growth of your business solely depends on you being there and getting it all done. 
  • You know you need to commit less, but you're afraid of letting go.
  • You're missing a process for optimising your time that fuels higher productivity.
  • At the end of the week, you feel exhausted, deflated and depleted. 

Are you ready for 90 days of Free Coaching?


Bringing Balance to your Mind, Emotions & Time

Yip! You heard right! If you buy TODAY, I'll add 3-months of self-coaching to conclude the 5-day Bootcamp. Giving you the exclusive opportunity to implement the tools you learn in the 90 days following the Bootcamp!

Don't miss out!

Did you know you can take control over your thoughts?

This means you can also learn to control your emotions.

And then, create emotions on purpose. 


If you knew it was you creating overwhelm, and you knew how you were creating it, and you knew how to create calm instead, what would you choose?  The answer is easy, you would choose calm.

  • I can teach you to manage your emotions & to eliminate emotions caused by negative thoughts.
  • I can also teach you how to create positive emotions instead. 

Now, this will not eliminate anxiety, or overwhelm entirely, but it will give you choice. 

So stop wasting your time and join here. YOUR TIME IS NOW!

BONUS! 90 Days of Free Coaching 



And I will not leave you hanging after the 5 days.

You can expect a self-coaching workbook, reminders, guidelines, and video's to keep you on the road to finally take control of your mind, thoughts, emotions & time! The 90 days of self-coaching will provide time for implementation and practice, guiding you through it all.

Sign up to get the BONUS too

Planning creates space

 If you planned something


added it to your diary


followed through on your plan


Guaranteed to get done

Just reflect on your life for a moment.

What is getting done and what is not? 

Have you planned &  scheduled in date night, singing lessons, & watching your daughter's netball. This will guarantee that it gets done.

Freeing you from the guilt, as there is nothing else in that timeslot.

So what stops you from planning if you know what to do?

As humans, we have an intelligent part of our brain. We can use this to plan ahead of time.  

  •  I want to teach you how to overcome the primitive brain. It will always choose pleasure over pain, so it will never 'feel like' doing the thing on your schedule that is boring or hard. 
  • You need to overcome the primitive brain to keep your word to yourself, to follow through.
  • You need to learn how to allow discomfort and do it anyway. 
  • You need emotional resilience and thought management to effectively allow the primitive brain to be uncomfortable while you achieve your goals and dreams. It is a skill. It can be learned. 
  • And then only can I teach you Monday Hour One, a time management system that will have you creating time, because you will not be wasting that time on overthinking, feeling overwhelmed and procrastinating. 

Now I can already feel the resistance in you.

Planning sucks. You have made plans before, and things never go according to plan....

But really what you are saying to me is that you planned and did not follow through on your plan. You did not keep your word to yourself. 

Do you quit when you fail?

Let's face it, things get in the way. We fail. And you should - this is normal. Missing one scheduled plan is no big deal unless you decide to screw up the whole day or week because of it. 

I will share my fail-forward emergency plan. So you can actually grow from failure. 


As an Occupational therapist  I have been a sole proprietor, successfully grown an OT practice managing multiple OTs and admin staff, I also started a new business from scratch at the age of 43. 

I enjoy an abundance of time. I work hard and play harder, with a 4-day work week and over 40 days of holiday each year. Weekly, I am committed to 3 pilates sessions, plus I get a sports massage for my physical health. My daughter gets quality time with me every afternoon for lunchtime, not to mention the school runs and extramural activities.  I enjoy 5-hours of study time a week, and I have also built a 7-figure business that grows abundantly, without working at night or over weekends.

I have nailed how to manage myself within time, as a wife, mom and entrepreneur and I have formulated a system that can help you create time for the things you really love.

Join my Bootcamp and I am going to help you to unlearn outdated time management tricks and learn how to keep your word to yourself:

  • Day 1:
    • We will focus on your number 1 time tool, your brain. 
    • I will teach you how to become aware of your thoughts and how to manage them more effectively. 
    • I will teach you how to overcome the primitive brain and how to follow through on your decisions.
  • Day 2 
    • I will teach you Monday Hour One. A tool to teach you how to manage yourself in time (rather than trying to manage time).
    • This is a exact system of 5 steps of how to. Personally I create about 5 hours a week with this system, but I would love to at least help you complete your to-do list by 17:00 and have an hour a week for yourself. 
  • Day 3
    • I will help you let go of indecision and teach you how  to make strong decisions instead.
    • I will also teach you the difference of being the engineer (working on the business) vs the technician/clinician (working in the business).   
  • Day 4 
    • We fuel ourselves with emotion. Let me teach you how to create commitment on demand and how to generate motivation when you need it. 
    • If discomfort is the currency for completing our dreams, do you know yet how to be uncomfortable on purpose?  
    •  I will teach you how to manage anxiety caused by the chemicals in the brain and eliminate the anxiety caused by your thoughts.  
  •        Day 5
    • How not to quit when you fail but grow instead.

So stop wasting your time and join my Bootcamp. YOUR TIME IS NOW!

Bring balance to life, emotions & time will create the calm and focus you want 


My 5-Day Bootcamp is going to be revolutionary for you!

  • Date:  5-9 September 2022
  • Time: 19:00 - 20:30 (daily)
  • Platform: Webinar
  • Cost: R550
  • CPD: 5 CEUs
  • Replay: Available until 30 Sep 2022 ONLY (watch in your own time)

BONUS!!! 90 Days of self-coaching through email and online learning support - ONLY IF YOU BUY TODAY!

Join LIVE for the FULL experience!

You see I just love engaging with people and using our sessions as interactively as possible. 

And I truly believe that the LIVE experience has been beautifully designed for you to help you learn the strategies firsthand.

Trust me LIVE is so much better!

But with this in mind, I wanted to remind you that the replay will only be available until 30 September 2022.


If you are hungry to receive frequent gold nuggets to Balance your live, emotions and time, sign up for the email series ….